Dear Customer,
A very quick count of the new products in this catalog reveals we have added more than 100 new items this year, with many more waiting in the wings. But that’s not all that’s new for the coming season.
This past fall, we began producing short video segments to complement our print material and to extend the product information on our website. Later this year, you will begin to see video icons appearing beside those items in our catalog we’ve shot video for. In addition to showing how mechanical tools operate, we’ll also be able to add tips on maintenance and use.
Of course, the best way to keep apprised of developments is to sign up for our email newsletter. If you haven’t yet seen one, we’d encourage you to take a peek. They’re all posted to the website, are chock full of good information, and are intentionally designed to inform and entertain without pushing product. If you decide to sign up, we promise to not bombard you with incessant pleadings to buy something; we email our gardening newsletter five times a year. What you elect to receive is completely in your hands, and can be changed when and as frequently as you like.
Cheers,Robin C. Lee President