LA216 -
Fandex Tree Identification Guide
1 - 9,50 $
Fandex Tree Identification Guide
by Steven M.L. Aronson
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This deck of cards spreads open like a fan, displaying large pictures of leaves that are perfect for hands-on comparison to the real thing.
Forty-seven North American trees are identified with photographs that offer a 4" tall detail of each leaf. Close-up views of the bark make it easy to identify trees in any season. Additional photos of the mature tree and the fruit, flower or cone are also helpful.
Arranged alphabetically according to common name with an index that lists both common and Latin names. Each card includes an interesting description of the tree plus quick-reference details such as habitat, geographic range and size. A great companion on any stomp through the woods, it is also an enjoyable way for children to learn their trees.