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Hand made from premium materials, this synthetic badger-hair brush is among the finest brushes we've used for film finishes.

While ordinary brushes often have a filler to create a gap within the bristles, this one has a densely packed bundle of exceptionally fine bristles without any filler. As a result, it holds a surprising amount of finish and allow a long, smooth stroke with minimal brush marks, saving time when rubbing out. It is suitable for water-based finishes and has bristles as fine as the best natural hair; however, unlike natural materials, they do not lose their shape or firmness when wet.

The bristles are firmly anchored in epoxy, which won't deteriorate in solvents, and the stainless-steel ferrule won't rust. Made in a traditional beaver-tail shape, the unfinished hardwood handle is well balanced and comfortable.

Highly recommended. Made in USA.

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