21L1069 -
Woodland Whittling
1 - $25.50
Whittling and Woodcarving
by E. J. Tangerman
E.J. Tangerman, one of America's foremost authorities and craftsmen, presents a full and thorough introduction to art of whittling and woodcarving. With this book, a beginner who is moderately handy can whittle or carve scores of useful objects, toys for children and gifts, or simply pass hours at applying his ingenuity to wood.
Beginning with a history of whittling and woodcarving, the book progresses gradually and easily. The first chapters supply background information on different woods, their proper selection and possible uses, selection and care of knives, and ways of using tools, including grips, types of strokes and cuts, and simple exercises. The following chapters cover rustic work, flat toys and windmills, puzzles, chains, nested spheres, fans, joints, modeling ships in bottles, and caricatures.
The second half of the book covers carving proper and describes simple lines, woodcuts, low-relief pierced designs, sculpture in the round, inlay and marquetry, lettering, indoor and outdoor decorations, and styles. The final chapter describes finishing, repairs, and the care of tools. The wide range of illustrations includes hundreds of beautiful wood objects from the great art of the world and hundreds of modern projects, many of which are contest winners.
Softcover, 320 pages, 1962.