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When crafting a wood-slab table, incorporating C-channels is akin to adding backbones to the piece. These fittings, also known as tabletop stiffeners, use 1 3/4" long expansion slots to allow for expansion and contraction of the wood with humidity changes, reducing the chance it will warp or sag over time. They eliminate the need for traditional apron framing, so only the slab shows, permitting a more contemporary design.

Installation is relatively straightforward. Each C-channel is installed into a 1/4" wide by 3/4" deep dado on the underside of the slab and fastened using threaded insert nuts and bolts.* For slabs up to 8' long and 1 1/4" thick or more, a pair of C-channels is recommended.

Made in Canada from 3/16" powder-coated steel, each is 2" wide and 1" high with 3/4" wing depths. Supplied in pairs, they are available in four lengths: 20" (three slots each), 28" (four slots each), 36" (five slots each) and 44" (six slots each). For optimal stability, we recommend using a centered nut and bolt per slot. To determine the number of insert nuts and bolts required for the pair, simply double the slot count noted per C-channel.

* 1/4" HSS Onsrud spiral bit, M6 × 15mm insert nut and M6 × 20mm bolt recommended (not included).

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