Editor’s note: The following is meant as general information only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
Absentmindedly, I had left my gardening gloves at home. A few nights later, an insidious itch crept down my neck and back. Soon after, red, oozing blisters broke out and spread across my body. The walk-in clinic doctor diagnosed a bad case of poison ivy. The effect was a bit of a horror show, at least until the medication took effect.
Even experienced gardeners sometimes fall prey to plants that can cause pain, misery and, although rare, even death. Some are native species; others, non-native. Each year, people, often children, and sometimes pets are poisoned or otherwise harmed from toxic berries, bulbs, leaves and other plant parts.
Of course, most plants are beneficial and perfectly benign, but hazardous plants, though much fewer in number, are found everywhere. They grow on country properties or in woods near swamps and streams. Sometimes, they are found on abandoned lots in cities and suburbs. They can even be found in our yards and homes. Readers, take heed: wear gloves, don’t eat strange berries, educate your kids and remove hazardous plants that are a risk to you and your pets. Here are 10 common ones to avoid.
1. Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
This quick-growing perennial is often found in orchards, untended pastures, farmyards, ditches and waste places. I discovered it while gardening in an old farmyard. Contact causes a painful sting from the tiny, needle-like hairs on the stem, leaf and flower. This is followed by prolonged numbness and itching that may last a few minutes or even a few days if there is repeat contact. While rarely serious, the sting can be nasty.