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A woodturner wipes Yorkshire Grit abrasive paste onto a paper towel



  • 56Z4110 - Original Yorkshire Grit Abrasive Paste
    1 - $19.00

Original Yorkshire Grit Abrasive Paste

Used to apply a smooth, lustrous surface to turnings, this solvent-free paste polish contains powdered pumice and rottenstone abrasive blended with mineral oil and beeswax.

After sanding with 240 grit sandpaper, you can apply the paste using a paper towel as the work spins on the lathe. While it polishes, the abrasive breaks down into smaller particles, yielding a progressively finer surface finish, eventually performing in a way comparable to that of a 1000 grit abrasive.

The oil and wax ingredients penetrate and seal the wood, but if desired, an additional oil-based finish can be applied; for non-oil-based finishes, the work should be wiped down with denatured alcohol to remove any oil and wax polish residue. For use on turnings made of resin or for any other turned work requiring a higher degree of polish, this paste can be followed with an application of Microfine Yorkshire Grit paste, which breaks down into finer 2000 grit particles.

Made in USA.