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08K4085 - Mirka 6" Golden Finish Kit



  • 08K4085 - Mirka 6" Golden Finish Kit
    1 - $216.00

Mirka 6" Golden Finish Kit

For use with a 6" orbital sander and polisher, this kit provides the abrasives, pads and compounds needed to finish-sand and polish composite and hard finished surfaces to a high gloss. The 79-piece kit includes interface pads, film and foam sanding discs, lamb's wool and black-waffle polishing pads, polishing compound (Polarshine 20 and VF-5) and microfiber surface cleaning cloths.

The system is straightforward to use, with two sanding steps and two polishing steps performed in sequence. When sanding, the firm interface pad is used first with the film abrasive disc to dry sand the surface to remove imperfections and dust particles, and next with the foam-backed abrasive disc to wet sand in preparation for polishing. For polishing, the buffing interface pad is used with the lamb's wool pad and PolarShine 20 compound to remove sanding marks and polish to a high-gloss finish. In many instances, particularly for lighter-colored surfaces, this is all you need. With darker colors, where micro-scratches and/or holograms are more evident, the waffle pad and VF-5 compound are used as the final step. The microfiber cloth is used to clean surfaces between each step.

An efficient polishing system. The kit provides a saving of 44% compared to buying the components separately.

Kit includes:

5 × 1066F grip-faced firm interface pad

50 × OS-241-GF1 6" grip (film)

15 × OS-241-GF2 6" grip (foam)

1 × MPADBU 5" buffing interface pad

2 × MPADLWY-6 6" lamb’ s wool pad

2 × MPADBF-6W 6" black foam pad

1 × PC20-1L Polarshine 20

1 × FC5-1L Polarshine VF5

2 × M-9915G microfiber cloth finish/clean surface