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Tambour Door Kit




  • 12K9101 - 15" Red Oak Door Kit
    1 - $84.50
  • 12K9102 - 24" Red Oak Door Kit
    1 - $149.00

Tambour Door Kit

With this tambour door and track kit, you can make a counter "garage" to neatly store appliances like toasters, food processors and juicers.

Included in the kit is a cloth-backed tambour door (with a hand pull) in natural red oak and a spring-tensioned track system — you need to make only the wood face frame and side panels.

To build a corner unit, the 15" wide door is suitable. To build a square unit, either the 15" or the 24" wide door can be used.

Door and mounting dowel can be trimmed to fit narrower openings. The track is 17 1/2" high, tambour door is 18" high mounted. Using a recommended 2" top rail, maximum cabinet opening is 16 3/8" high and 14 9/16" wide for the 15" kit or 23 9/16" wide for the 24" kit.

Completed garage is secured between countertop and bottom of upper cabinet.