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Completed MIY plant stand



  • MK112 - Lee Valley MIY Plant Stand Kit
    1 - $105.00

Lee Valley Make It Yourself Plant Stand Kit

Sharpening a chisel and cutting lap joints with a chisel are two fundamental woodworking skills to develop.

For this project, we’ve collaborated with Would Works, a non-profit social enterprise that offers woodworking training to people experiencing homelessness. When we asked them, “What would you be inspired to make to apply these skills?”, they came up with this chic-looking plant stand that can fit in just about anywhere.

The instructions cover how to make a stand for a 6 1/2" diameter by 6" tall pot, but with a little math, it’s easy to adjust the dimensions to accommodate other container sizes. As you build the plant stand, you will learn how to keep your chisel sharp with a few basic accessories, as well as how to cut cross-lap and T-lap joints with a 3/4" chisel.

The plant stand can be completed in approximately 5 to 8 hours, plus time for the glue and finish to cure. Suitable for the beginner to intermediate maker, 14 years and older.

Components of the kit are listed under the Specifications tab.

This kit includes access to the step-by-step video and a downloadable copy of the written instructions.


Contents of the Plant Stand Kit

6 pieces of clear pine, 18" × 1 1/4" × 1 1/4"

Baltic birch plywood block, 8" × 3" × 3/4"

Vise-type honing guide

3/4" Narex chisel

2 C-clamps

6" steel square


12" ruler

Japanese utility saw

Water-resistant PVA glue, 150g

3 sandpaper sheets (120x, 180x and 220x)

2 lapping films (3 and 15 micron)

4 bumper feet

Walrus Oil furniture finish, 2 oz

Cotton rags

Vinyl gloves

Note: Components may not be exactly as shown, depending on supply.