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58D9206 - 3/4" 60° Straight Parting Tool




  • 58D9202 - 1 1/4" Straight Chisel
    1 - $77.00
  • 58D9203 - 1" #11 Straight Gouge
    1 - $79.90
  • 58D9204 - 2" #3 Shallow Gouge
    1 - $92.90
  • 58D9206 - 3/4" 60° Straight Parting Tool
    1 - $92.90

Sculpting Tools by Henry Taylor

These hand-forged sculpting tools will make short work of roughing out large carvings or signs. Although large, they are well balanced and easy to work with.

Four styles are available: a 1 1/4" double-bevel chisel, a 1" straight gouge with a deep #11 sweep, a 2" shallow-sweep #3 gouge, and a 3/4" 60° parting tool. Factory ground with 15° bevels, the tools are fitted with doubled-hooped hardwood handles and leather shock washers.

Usable with or without a mallet, the tools need only honing for softwood applications, but should have a 25° secondary bevel for use on hardwood. These tools can remove massive amounts of wood quickly. Hardened to Rc56-60.