21L2008 -
Carving Wildfowl Canes and Walking Sticks with Power by Frank C. Russell
1 - $14.90
Carving Wildfowl Canes and Walking Sticks with Power
by Frank C. Russell
Russell, a well-known wildlife carver, gives step-by-step instructions for creating wildfowl cane handles. He uses sticks that have grown on slopes where the sapling emerged perpendicular to the slope and then curved upward to meet the sun, creating an ideal bend for the carved handpiece.
Color photos illustrate the steps of carving heads of a bald eagle and a mallard duck, rendering feathers, and setting glass eyes or carving and painting the eyes. He also discusses tools, connecting hardware and cane tips. One-page color drawings for 13 other birds include the brown pelican, Cooper’s hawk and great blue heron.
Softcover, 8 1/2" × 11", 64 pages, 2002.