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Veritas Cyclone Lid with hoses connected installed on a trashcan




  • 05J3001 - Lg. Black Cyclone Lid, 2 1/2" Hose Inlet
    1 - $79.00
  • 05J3002 - Lg. Black Cyclone Lid, 4" Hose Inlet
    1 - $79.00
  • 05J3022 - Sm. Black Cyclone Lid, 2 1/2" Hose Inlet
    1 - $69.00

Veritas Cyclone Lids

Capacity is a problem in every dust collection system, but particularly in small shop systems. A cyclone lid will let you sidetrack up to 99% of jointer/planer shavings and lesser amounts of fine dust (such as from sanding) to a barrel or trashcan. It lets you convert a standard shop vacuum into a high-capacity dust collector. In fact, if your shop vacuum draws 6 amps or more, you can use it with our dust collection network to power a complete collection system. If you have a lower-powered vacuum (less than 6 amps), you can still use it with the cyclone on a single machine, such as a planer.

The secret of all this is good design. Ours is an in-line system with minimum deflection of airflow. Inlet air is swirled around the outside of the collector container while outlet air is drawn from the top center, leaving all but the finest dust inside the collector container. The lids seal so well to a trashcan or barrel that the system can be used for wet vacuuming as well as dry. You can collect a dozen or more trashcans of shavings before you have to think about emptying the vacuum cleaner.

Cyclone lids are available in either large or small. They have pre-drilled hose inlets to connect to either 2 1/2" hose or 4" hose. The lids are made from ABS. Our large cyclone lids were designed to fit on any round container with a top diameter between 19" and 23 1/2". The registration ledges on the inside of the lid fit on standard trashcans from 19" to 20 1/2" in diameter. The 23 1/2" diameter outer ledge fits on a 55 gallon drum. Large lids come drilled for use with either 2 1/2" or 4" diameter hose.

The smaller cyclone lid will fit trashcans with a top diameter between 16 1/2" and 19 1/2". At just over 19 1/2" in diameter, it is more compact and has less overhang than our large lid. It is for use with 2 1/2" diameter hose.

Lids are not recommended for machines with built-in chip impellers and should be used only with sturdy-walled containers (thin-walled containers may collapse under static suction conditions, such as when the leading hose end clogs or is blocked). Hoses and attachments not included.

Patented. Made in Canada.