Accessibility Statement
07J0326 - Letter Z HSS Brad-Point




  • 07J0314 - Letter O HSS Brad-Point
    1 - $14.50
  • 07J0322 - Letter V HSS Brad-Point
    1 - $18.90
  • 07J0326 - Letter Z HSS Brad-Point
    1 - $26.20

Letter O, Letter V and Letter Z HSS Brad-Point Drills for Pen Kits

With sharply defined lips to score the perimeter for clean entry and smooth sidewalls in hardwoods, stabilized wood, and acrylic acetate, these brad-point drills are ideal for use with our pen kits.

Made from high-speed steel, they are long lasting and provide superior chip clearance. All are jobber length; the letter V drill has a 3/8" shank, and the others are shanked to size.