86N4080 -
Kreg Beaded Face-Frame System
1 - $593.00
Kreg Beaded Face-Frame System
While a beaded face-frame is a nice aesthetic feature in cabinetry, it is not easy to make and usually requires several tools and a fair amount of set-up time to complete. That's why Kreg developed this system. It not only reduces set-up time dramatically, since all cuts are made on a router table, but it eliminates mitered joins so corners and beadwork are clean and accurately aligned.
Installed on a router table, the system is composed of a heavy-duty aluminum fence with a zero-clearance ball-bearing sliding base, a fence clamp, a fence stop, beading and notching bits, as well as a dowel pin and a spacer bar to aid with set-up. The sliding fence and clamp are used to hold the stiles and rails in place as they are moved across the notching bit, cutting notches in the stiles to accept the rails and chamfering the ends of the rails to mate perfectly with the stiles. The fence stop and integrated scale on the fence allow precise, repeatable work positioning.
To cut the beads, simply swap the sliding fence with your regular router fence, and run the work against the beading bit. With all cuts now done, the frame can be assembled and secured using pocket-hole joinery. Fast, simple and secure, this is an excellent method for accurately producing face-frames.
Requires a router table with a T-slot located between 6" and 6 1/2" from bit center. Comes with instructions and an instructional DVD.
Made in USA.