AB906 -
Sunlight Calculator
1 - $39.90
Sunlight Calculator
The lighting conditions of the microclimates in your garden aren't always obvious. Sunlight intensity is affected by many factors, such as season, time of day and general shade conditions. Also, as a garden grows and changes, a spot that was sunny may eventually become less so.
Designed for use during the growing season, this meter measures the duration and intensity of sunlight falling at a given spot over a 12-hour period, indicating results as full sun, partial sun, partial shade or full shade (to match common planting guidelines).
Durable and water resistant, it is 7 1/2" long with an ABS plastic stake and casing. Runs on three button cell batteries (included).
Though not a panacea for all garden problems, it can help you locate plants where they will grow best and help determine why certain plants aren't thriving.